Таблица сравнения характеристик пассивного дома с принятыми сейчас строительными нормами (британскими).
Стандарт пассивного дома | Принятые нормы строительства (UK) | |
Компактная форма и хорошая изоляция: | Все элементы внешней оболочки ПД изолированы для обеспечения значений параметра U не превышающих 0.15 W/m2/K | Ограничения возможных значений U в диапазоне 0.25-0.35 W/m2/K |
Ориентация относительно юга и учет расположение теней: | Пассивное использование солнечной энергии является существенным фактором при проектировании ПД. | Some consideration is given with regard to north/south orientation, but the improved energy savings resulting from passive site design are often overlooked. |
Energy-efficient window glazing and frames: | Windows should have U-values not exceeding 0.80 W/m².K for both glazing and frames - this requires the window frame to incorporate insulation and the glazing to be tripple. Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient through the glazing should be at least 50%1. | 1.8-2.2 W/m2K typical |
Building envelope air-tightness: | Air leakage (n50) through unwanted gaps and cracks in the building fabric must be less than 0.6 times the house volume per hour under negative and positive pressurisation. | Design air permeability of 7 to 10 m2/hr/m3@ 50 Pa. This is approximately a factor of 10 poorer than the PassivHaus standard. Research has also shown that air permeability values for completed dwellings frequently exceed these design limits. |
Passive preheating of fresh air: | Fresh air may be brought into the house through underground ducts that exchange heat with the soil. This preheats fresh air to a temperature above 5°C (41°F), even on cold winter days. | The majority of new-builds do not achieve good enough air permeability values to warrant the incorporation of a whole house ventilation system - thus trickle vents, extract fans, or passive stack ventilation is commonly used. |
Highly efficient heat recovery from exhaust air using an air-to-air heat exchanger: | Most of the perceptible heat in the exhaust air is transferred to the incoming fresh air (heat recovery rate over 80%). | |
Energy-saving household appliances: | Low energy refrigerators, stoves, freezers, lamps, washers, dryers, etc. are indispensable in a PassivHaus. | Dedicated low-energy lights are provided in a number of rooms in a new dwelling - if appliances are supplied they will be generally C-rated or perhaps 'Energy Saving Recommended' in some instances (as these are widely available). |
Total energy demand for space heating and cooling | Less than 15 kWh/m2/yr | Typically 55 kWh/m2/yr |
1The Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient (SHGC) is provided as a guide, it can be adjusted for glazing on different facades. This can help either reduce heat loss on sheltered sides/ north facing glazing, or alternatively help to reduce the likelihood of overheating when specified in conjunction with other features/strategies (please note that the SHGC of a window usually decreases as the U-value improves).